Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Soul and Body... Discipline

I found this article on CNN interesting: http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/03/27/fall.dogs.cats/index.html . Did you notice the quotes from the pet-expert (Dr. Doverspike) about how proper training (discipline) brings freedom to the pet itself, in that it knows what to expect?

Why do we want to reduce Godliness to a bunch of psychobabble and/or mysticism (the common theme seems to go something like, "if I just pray about it long enough then I'll feel 'convicted' of what's right"), when God has already provided detailed instructions, telling us exactly what He expects? Why do we as American Christians spend so much more time (and money) "watching" and listening to and reading the "news", and talk-shows, and gossip-magazines, than we do reading His Word and meditating on it? (I'm pretty sure I know the answer, so maybe I'll write about that some other time.)

Wise athletes (especially those of us who would be mediocre otherwise!) discipline their bodies through training, practice, and exercise; those who hunger and thirst after God discipline their hearts and minds through study and meditation on God's Word, through time in prayer, and through true fellowship (not just sitting around talking about the football game!) with other Christians.

Discipline is NOT a bad thing, for heart, mind, body, or soul -- we've just accepted the lie that it is. Growing in grace requires that we vehemently and completely reject such lies.

(Psalms 94:1-13 , Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:5-13)

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